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Miroslav Juríček

Miroslav Juríček

Discipline: IFBB Pro Men’s physique

Date of birth: 6. 3. 1992

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 100 kg

Mira used to do athletics and play football in his youth, but when he quit football, he started to enjoy the gym. His dad is a bodybuilder, so thanks to genetics the results came quickly and after a year the body started to take shape. Mira always gives 100% to sport, so he tried his first competitions, which went beyond his expectations with a second place in the Moravian championships and that's where his career took off. His lifelong goal was to make it to the Olympia and he succeeded this year. With this he would like to motivate all those who have taken this path and have the highest goals in fitness that anything is possible if you persevere. Aside from professional bodybuilding, he has been training both competitors and people who want to achieve their dream physique.

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